Monday, February 23, 2015


After a few LONG months of having our classroom library closed for renovations, it is now officially back OPEN!!! When you have a classroom full of kiddos who love to read and an extensive selection of books they love, you end up being asked every day how much longer it is going to take for the library to open back up. As a teacher and fellow lover of books, not a single part of me was ever upset at this question, no matter how often it came! I am so thankful to everyone who has donated books to make our library as big and exciting as it is more than I can put into words! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!! My class was so excited when I finally announced that the library was back up and running that we decided to drop everything and read for a little bit. I know I have an amazing bunch of students, but looking up to see all of them reading without me asking them to do so made me even happier that I get to be their teacher this year!


CAUGHT: Students who LOVE books!!!!!
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." -Dr. Suess

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