Thursday, February 5, 2015

100th Day of School

Yesterday was an extremely fun day that was all about ONE HUNDRED! Our fun events and activities could only be completed by really smart, hardworking kids who had made it through 100 days of school. ;) 

We began the day synergizing to build our fort that we decided we would have class under in order to celebrate achieving our "Here on Time" school WIG the day before. Then, on to math guessed it...everything was about the number 100! We colored pizza toppings according to a key and then practiced our graphing skills by graphing the number of each topping. At the end, we added up all of the different toppings and found out we had 100 toppings on our pizzas. We also timed ourselves to see how many addition facts we could answer correctly in 100 seconds... It was TOUGH!

During our daily class meeting we challenged ourselves with things like:
-Sitting in complete silence for 100 seconds
-Having a stare down with a friend for 100 seconds without blinking (this one was hard!!)
-Thinking of a hilarious joke in 100 seconds to share with a friend at lunch (The friend we told at lunch wrote the joke down when we came back so we can make a class joke book!)

For Writing, we wrote stories about different things such as: "If I were one hundred years old..." and "If I had $100 I would buy...". The kids were very creative and had some hilarious stories about their lives at 100 and very touching stories about what they would spend their $100 dollars on.

We had so much fun yesterday and found out today that we have met another one of our goals and get to celebrate even more!!! (See our next post for details. :) )

Synergizing to build our class fort

Using our graphing skills on the 100th day of school

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