Thursday, February 26, 2015

2nd Grade is on FIRE for reading!!!!!

At the beginning of the year, the 2nd Grade teachers sat down to decide on a SMART WIG (Wildly Important Goal) for our kiddos. We wanted it to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and met by a certain Time. After quite a bit of thought, we decided our goal should be:

"As a grade level, we will read 120,000 minutes by the end of 2nd Grade." 

Each week, we tracked how many minutes we read and contributed to our goal individually, as a class, and as a grade level. This was an easy task since we write down how many minutes we read each night on the calendar in our homework packet. After much tracking and even more reading, we (to no surprise) met our GOAL!!!!!! Not only did we meet our goal, but we met it after ONE SEMESTER!!!! If that doesn't call for a celebration, I don't know what does! We are so proud of ourselves!!! When our principal, Mrs. Jessop, and assistant principal, Mrs. Bailey, heard we met our goal in half of the time we had hoped, they wanted to join in on the celebration, too! We went to the gym one morning where they read a book to us and played Pacman with us. It was a BLAST!!! 

The kids loved having a story read to them since they obviously are wild about books! Playing Pacman in PE is always fun, but throw a few teachers in there with the principal and assistant principal and you have yourself a serious CELEBRATION! Check out the pictures below of our goal tracking and celebration!!!


Individual tracking in our Leadership Notebooks
Our class is in FLAMES!!!

2nd Grade is on FIRE for reading!!!!


Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Jessop reading to 2nd Grade

The game of 

Mrs. Jessop playing Pacman!

Mrs. Bailey playing Pacman!

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