Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

We have spent quite a bit of our time researching ways to conserve our natural resources by practicing the R's (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) the past few weeks and have learned many ways to help our environment! As part of our research we:

-Interviewed a recycling expert, Mr. Walter, who is one of the custodians at our school
-Read books with interesting facts about the 3 R's and what happens if we do not practice them
-Listened to and watched videos to gather more information
-Scanned QR codes that were put on objects to sort items into 2 groups: 1. Items that can be recycled and 2. Items that cannot be recycled
-Used a Venn Diagram made out of hula hoops to sort items that could be reduced, reused, or recycled, or a combination of any of those methods
-Made a Reusable Craft (Something that is functional and serves a purpose and was made of materials that were placed in the recycling bin)
-Took pictures that represented each of the 3 R's and organized a slideshow using the 30 Hands App to share some of the things we learned in our research
-Shared our presentations with our classmates

If you are interested in conserving our Earth's natural resources, watch one (or all) of the presentation videos below to learn how!

Here are a few pictures of our research experience:

Interviewing Mr. Walter

Interviewing Mr. Walter

Hula Hoop Venn Diagram

Using QR codes to sort things by recyclable and non-recyclable materials

Books will ALWAYS be great resources!

Taking notes on videos we watched

Looking at our lunches to see what we can reduce, reuse, or recycle

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